About Us

Hi Guys, Hope You are Well.

Welcome To Our Website ED Tech Blogs.


This Is Our Website About Us Page. Here You Get the Mission Of Our Website.

Our Organisation Lifeinvader Group Ltd , Owner Of ED Tech Blogs. We Operate In The Field Of Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning, And I am an Expert In This Field, That’s Why I Started This Website For Spreading Knowledge to Other People.

Our Website’s Mission is To Spread Knowledge About AI and Tech and their applications with internet through Apps and Games.

If You Want Knowledge About AI Tech and their Applications, then You Can Follow Our Blogs. You get a Lot Of Information About Technology On a Daily basis. And Also Know How to feed cats and monitor their behavior.

This Website Language Is English. We Want To Share Our Knowledge Worldwide, That’s Why We Started This Website In the English Language.

If You Have Any Queries, Suggestions, Or Questions, then Please Contact Us and Fill out the Contact Us Form. You Will Reply As Soon As Possible.


( Tom Parker)